Hellfire()Sounds Review: Summoner (‘Infernal Incantations’ Demo)

Looking for a little Black metal meets thrash? Well no need to go scraping the bay of California or digging through the abandoned grave years on Norway – Ireland’s got you sorted. Summoner  are an Irish band (possibly from the late 200 BC) who dress like demonic druids and play extremely heavy, yet surprisingly accessible tunes. While some find the likes of Mayhem, Emperor and Venom hard to listen to, Summoner have added in a little bit of raunchiness into the typical bleak black metal soundscape which ends up as a thrashy, death metal fusing of the sounds.  They released their ‘Infernal Incantations’ demo in October 2011 so time to give it a spin.

Well it’s short. In total the demo comes in at 1.18 seconds with two tunes. ‘Into Mine Unseen Barrier Shall Thy Flesh Be Wrought’ kicks things off and acts as the demo’s opus clocking up an impressive 00:51 seconds on the clock. It still managed a fairly awesome intro, nice bit of riffage and lead and fairly full on, bleaker than black vocals. Don’t judge a man by his height, book by it’s cover or song by it’s length!. Final song, ‘Premature Incineration’ has all the hallmarks of a AAA VIP pass into hell. Short, bitter and brutal. While it may not be the most radio friendly genre out there, Summoner do it well but know this – we are keeping a closer eye on church fires from now on!

Check out the band’s ‘Infernal Incantations’ demo now on Bandcamp (Click here).

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